Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Useful Online Tool

I discovered an online tool last night which I think is going to be very useful to me. It is a website called TrainingPeaks. I was on the Spinervals website looking for a couple new DVDs to use while on the trainer and I came across just what I was looking for, an 8 week aerobic base building training plan using Spinervals DVDs.  But to get the training plan for the DVDs I needed to go through TrainingPeaks.   At first I was irritated that for the cost of the DVDs the training plan was not simply included.  After going to the TrainingPeaks website, I was not longer annoyed.  TrainingPeaks has just the tools I was looking for to track all of the information related to my workouts.   I can even upload my workout data directly from my Garmin 305 to the TrainingPeaks website.

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