Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bike Commuting

I have decided to try begin commuting to work each day on my bike.  It is only around a six mile ride each way but it is on very busy major roads with heavy traffic.  I test road part of the route this morning.  Very little traffic at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning, but a got a feel for the route.  It is so different on a bike than in a car driving.  I plan to ride in my regular work cloths and take it slow so that I do not heat up.  My only real concern at this point is of course staying safe and possibly over training, as I will be riding on days that I run as well.  My normal "off" day from training is Wednesday.  I have not decided yet whether I will ride to work on Wednesdays or drive to maintain the off day.  We will see.   

1 comment:

Rithban Kirda said...

Take it one bit at a time. When I finally took my bike down off the wall I could only do a handful of miles, then I was bushed. You'll build up fast enough.

If you can find side streets that will take you to your destination, that will help keep you safe. Driving on heavily-travelled roads (especially during rush hour) is quite dangerous.

From what I see, you're doing great. Keep it up!